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Be Prepared to Work – This Isn’t an “Inspirational” Class

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The difference between this content marketing course and every other content marketing course you’ve taken is that when you leave here, you’ll go back to the office understanding how content marketing fits inside your overall marketing strategy and be ready to execute on what you’ve learned immediately to see results.


What You’ll Learn

This seminar will explain the key elements to managing your B2B content marketing campaigns to attract new customers and increase customer loyalty. 

Attendees will learn:

  1. How to determine what content you need?
  2. How do you manage and organize your content on your website?
  3. How to tell your brand’s story on your website and social media to drive measurable results?

Course Outline:

Session #1 – Identify Your Audience

It’s important to understand how to identify your target audience and research and learn their key problems and needs. Once you know what your audience needs, you can begin to create content that’s valuable and engaging around your customers’ top of mind issues.

Session #2 – Set Measurable Goals

The core of a content marketing strategy are the KPIs (key performance indicators). Your KPIs are determined by your campaign goals. This course makes sure you get the goals right and we help you set up an analytics framework to measure and report on your content marketing outcomes.

Session #3 – Craft Your Unique Message

Knowing what to say every day in a way that’s fresh and interesting is one of the biggest challenges facing content marketers. We show you how to write and curate engaging and effective content for your target audience that gets conversions.

Session #4 – Publish Your Content

You want to maximize the chances your target audience will see your message. You’ll learn about content delivery networks (CDNs) and how to leverage digital tools to automate your content delivery to the right channels. We include both human and search engine tactics and strategies in this section.

Session #5 – Iterate and Improve

Your job is never done, and we show you how to avoid burnout and impress your boss while managing your Brand’s never-ending storytelling. You’ll finish the day with an action plan in hand to take back to the office and execute on everything you’ve learned today.